
In March 2024, the UN headquarters in New York will go from the business-as-usual bustle of professional diplomats, to an atmosphere of a slightly different nature – 5000 students from universities around the world will fill the halls, discuss current topics of international politics and attempt to solve these issues through the writing of resolutions.

These students will represent countries at the National Model United Nations conference, a yearly simulation of the work of the United Nations that provides a unique experience for its participants. The simulation offers the delegates the opportunity to gain an insight into the work of the United Nations as well as a deeper understanding of the great political challenges of our time.

Over the past 20 years, the Institute for Political Science at the University of Tübingen has been an active participant in NMUN. Each year the university selects a number of highly motivated students for this very realistic and challenging simulation, representing the interests of nations as diverse as Montenegro, Saudi Arabia and Cameroon. 

Yet the workload is not merely limited to the conference itself. Our delegates will go through an intensive and demanding program during the coming months. They will attend, among other things, weekly seminars, designed to explore the UN system, as well as extensive speech and negotiation skills training, necessary to becoming a professional and effective delegate at the UN conference. A number of tests-simulations, including one in Tübingen organized by the students themselves, as well as excursions to UN institutions and national representations – in addition to expert meetings are also part of the preparatory program.

In addition to this, it is the job of the delegates to raise the funds for a considerable portion of the project. Sponsorship is garnered through the delegate’s own activities, designed to place emphasis on the importance of contribution to this valuable experience. Creative fundraising activities not only prove the commitment of the participants to the cause, but also create a large amount of welcome publicity for the issues at stake.

Being a constructive contributing member at NMUN involves more than the ability to imitate a diplomat. Equally important is a profound knowledge of the political position our designated country has towards the agenda topics of the various committees. The Tübingen Delegation is excited to be part of this year’s program and is looking forward to carry on the successful and award-winning tradition of the Tübingen delegations.

We would like to thank the many permanent missions at the UN for their ample support, as well as the commitment –  financially and otherwise – of the various institutions, foundations and individuals who have supported the Tübingen delegation in the past and the present. Without their contribution, this project would not be possible.


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