The NMUN Delegation Tübingen 2018 will represent the Kingdom of Bahrain in the following committees:
General Assembly 1st Committee
Appointed Delegates: Lidija Beganovic & Lena Cordes
1. Cyber Security and Protecting against Cyber Warfare
2. Measures to Strengthen International Counter-Terrorism Efforts
3. Combating the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons
General Assembly 2nd Committee
Appointed Delegates: Vanessa Molter & Stefan Preuß
1. Implementing the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness and the Accra Agenda for Action
2. The Role of Urbanization in Sustainable Development
3. Sustainable Tourism for Poverty Eradication
General Assembly 3rd Committee
Appointed Delegates: Tuba Barho & Giulianna Mändle
1. The Right of Peoples to Self-Determination
2. The Elimination of All Forms of Religious Intolerance
3. Ensuring Equitable Access to Education
General Assembly 5th Committee
Appointed Delegates: Ngan Phuong Chu & Miriam Holthausen
1. Improving Mechanisms for Accountability and Transparency within the UN System
2. Strengthening Compliance and Accountability in Field Missions with Special Regard to Sexual Exploitation and Abuse Cases
3. Consideration of the Secretary-General’s Reform Proposals
Commission on the Status of Women (CSW)
Appointed Delegate: Anna Rickert
1. Promoting the Involvement of Women and Youth in Government
2. Combating Violence against Women Migrant Workers
3. Empowering Women and Girls in Rural Contexts
Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ECSWA)
Appointed Delegate: Annika Malena Halmer
1. Achieving the Arab Development Outlook
2. Strengthening Arab Least Developed Countries
3. Reducing the Occurrence of Gender-Based Violence
International Organization for Migration (IOM)
Appointed Delegates: Michael Schmid & Vivek Sehra
1. Addressing Climate Migration and Cross-Border Disaster Displacement
2. Addressing the Issue of Migration in Libya
3. Strengthening Cooperation between IOM and Civil Society
Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW)
Appointed Delegates: Sheena Anderson & Konrad Graca
1. The Complete Eradication of Chemical Weapons
2. Providing Protection and Assistance to Victims of Chemical Weapons
3. The Role of the OPCW in Counter-Terrorism Efforts
United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA)
Appointed Delegates: Jan-Hendrik Schulz & Natalia Torres Rodriguez
1. Conservation and Restoration of Ecosystems in Urban Areas
2. Empowering Youth for Sustainable Development
3. The Impact of Pollution on Marine Life
World Health Organization (WHO)
Appointed Delegates: Andrea Frick & Anna-Marie Köhler
1. Mitigating the Health Impacts of Pollution
2. Improving Responses and Coordination in Addressing Mental Health
3. Vaccination to Promote Global Public Health