
The NMUN Delegation Tübingen 2015 will represent Iraq in the following committees:

General Assembly First Committee (GA1st)

Appointed Delegates: Ina Majewski, Sahana Sreedar

  1. Prohibiting Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems
    2. The Control of Biological Weapons in Today’s Modern Era
    3. Confidence-Building Measures in a Regional and Subregional Context

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General Assembly Second Committee (GA2nd)

Appointed Delegates: Anne Beck, Vera Sommer

  1. Women in Development
    2. The Impact of Migration on Development
    3. Adapting to Globalization: The New International Economic Order and the Green Economy

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General Assembly Third Committee (GA3rd)

Appointed Delegates: Eunji Lee, Moritz Metzger

  1. Development and the Rights of Indigenous People
    2. The Right to Privacy in the Digital Age
    3. Eliminating Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerances

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Special Committee on Peacekeeping Operations (C-34)

Appointed Delegates: Maria Dirks, Stepan Vizi

  1. Strengthening Regional Arrangements in Africa
    2. Enhancing Robust Mandates to Deal with Complex Crises
    3. Enhancing the Use of Technology in Peacekeeping Missions

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United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

Appointed Delegates: Anika Pinzner, Matthias Quinckhardt

  1. Financing International Climate Technology Transfer
    2. Sustainable Development in the Arctic
    3. Promoting Resource Efficiency in Urban Development

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Economic and Social Council for Western Asia (ESCWA)

Appointed Delegates: Marlene Bubb, Leonie Harsch

  1. Social and Economic Implications of Refugee Influx in the ESCWA Region
    2. Meeting Growing Energy Demands
    3. Countering Radicalization through Social and Economic Development

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Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)

Appointed Delegates: Brigitte Leibitz, Christian Steidl

  1. Protecting and Securing Fisheries in Small Island Developing States
    2. Reducing Rural Poverty
    3. Investing in Agriculture for Food Security and Economic Growth

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United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

Appointed Delegates: Lena Heitzenröder, Natalie Pawlowski

  1. Building Democratic Governance by Expanding Access to Justice
    2. Fostering Developing Countries’ Capacities for Climate Change Adaptation
    3. Improving Access to Water and Sanitation for Socioeconomic Development

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World Food Programme (WFP)


  1. Empowering Women and Girls in the Fight against Hunger
    2. Humanitarian Assistance in the Central African Republic and South Sudan
    3. Disaster Risk Management and Food Security in Natural Disaster Situations

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Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference (NPT RevCon)

Appointed Delegates: Bojan Markovic, Koray Saglam

  1. Advancing Technical Cooperation in the Peaceful Use of Nuclear Energy
    2. Article X and Measures to Address Withdrawal from the NPT
    3. Denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula

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