Committees 2016

The NMUN Delegation Tübingen 2016 will represent the Republic of Chile in the following committees:


General Assembly First (GA1)

Appointed Delegates: Alexander Orlowski & Maurice Thaidigsmann

  1. Cyber Security and Protecting against Cyber Warfare
  2. The Threat of Transnational Organized Crime to International Security
  3. Efforts to Control Weapons of Mass Destruction

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General Assembly Second (GA2)

Appointed Delegates: Ronja Baumann & Christina Grohmann

  1. Promoting Access to Renewable and Sustainable Energy for Poverty Reduction and Sustainable Development
  2. Financing for Development
  3. World Commodity Trends and Prospects

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General Assembly Fourth (GA4)

Appointed Delegates: Petra Schmiedova & Silvana Frank

  1. Comprehensive Review of Special Political Missions and the Future of UN Peacekeeping and Peace Operations
  2. Intensifying Cooperation in Outer Space to Preserve Peace and Security
  3. Improving the Situation of Non-Self-Governing Territories

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UN Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development (Habitat III)

Appointed Delegates: Milena Sigler & Charlotte Vosschulte

  1. Building Resilient Cities to Promote Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction
  2. Realizing the Right to Adequate Shelter through the New Urban Agenda
  3. Inclusive Urbanization for the Promotion of Equality and Social Cohesion

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Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)

Appointed Delegates: Fernando Alvarez de Rivera Dannhoff & Carolin Weidmann

  1. Social and Economic Development in Cities
  2. Guaranteeing Indigenous People’s Rights in Latin America and the Caribbean
  3. Promoting the Sustainable Use of Natural Resources

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UN Environmental Programme (UNEP)

Appointed Delegates: Sandra Klaft & David Schneider

  1. Corruption and Environmental Governance
  2. Improving Sustainable Forest Management Practices
  3. Plastic Debris in the World’s Oceans

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UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)

Appointed Delegates: Jana Würtenberger & Giorgia Tzar

  1. Transforming Refugee Camps into Sustainable Settlements in the Case of Protracted Displacements
  2. Strengthening the Capacity of Refugee Host Countries
  3. Addressing Temporary Displacements Due to Outbreaks and Epidemics

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Security Council (SC)

Appointed Delegates: Robin Bozek & Roman Klimke

  1. Women, Peace and Security: Women as Active Agents in Peace and Security
  2. The Situation in the Central African Republic
  3. Threats to International Peace and Security Caused by Terrorist Acts

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Programme of Action on Small Arms and Light Weapons Biennial Meeting of States (PoA SALW)

Appointed Delegates: Natalie Brandes & Kathrin Lobinger

  1. Measures to Increase National Reporting of Member States
  2. Incorporating Gender-Sensitive Approaches in the Implementation of the Programme of Action
  3. Adapting to Recent Developments in Small Arms and Light Weapons Technology

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