The NMUN Delegation Tübingen 2016 will represent the Republic of Chile in the following committees:
General Assembly First (GA1)
Appointed Delegates: Alexander Orlowski & Maurice Thaidigsmann
- Cyber Security and Protecting against Cyber Warfare
- The Threat of Transnational Organized Crime to International Security
- Efforts to Control Weapons of Mass Destruction
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General Assembly Second (GA2)
Appointed Delegates: Ronja Baumann & Christina Grohmann
- Promoting Access to Renewable and Sustainable Energy for Poverty Reduction and Sustainable Development
- Financing for Development
- World Commodity Trends and Prospects
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General Assembly Fourth (GA4)
Appointed Delegates: Petra Schmiedova & Silvana Frank
- Comprehensive Review of Special Political Missions and the Future of UN Peacekeeping and Peace Operations
- Intensifying Cooperation in Outer Space to Preserve Peace and Security
- Improving the Situation of Non-Self-Governing Territories
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UN Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development (Habitat III)
Appointed Delegates: Milena Sigler & Charlotte Vosschulte
- Building Resilient Cities to Promote Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction
- Realizing the Right to Adequate Shelter through the New Urban Agenda
- Inclusive Urbanization for the Promotion of Equality and Social Cohesion
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Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)
Appointed Delegates: Fernando Alvarez de Rivera Dannhoff & Carolin Weidmann
- Social and Economic Development in Cities
- Guaranteeing Indigenous People’s Rights in Latin America and the Caribbean
- Promoting the Sustainable Use of Natural Resources
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UN Environmental Programme (UNEP)
Appointed Delegates: Sandra Klaft & David Schneider
- Corruption and Environmental Governance
- Improving Sustainable Forest Management Practices
- Plastic Debris in the World’s Oceans
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UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
Appointed Delegates: Jana Würtenberger & Giorgia Tzar
- Transforming Refugee Camps into Sustainable Settlements in the Case of Protracted Displacements
- Strengthening the Capacity of Refugee Host Countries
- Addressing Temporary Displacements Due to Outbreaks and Epidemics
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Security Council (SC)
Appointed Delegates: Robin Bozek & Roman Klimke
- Women, Peace and Security: Women as Active Agents in Peace and Security
- The Situation in the Central African Republic
- Threats to International Peace and Security Caused by Terrorist Acts
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Programme of Action on Small Arms and Light Weapons Biennial Meeting of States (PoA SALW)
Appointed Delegates: Natalie Brandes & Kathrin Lobinger
- Measures to Increase National Reporting of Member States
- Incorporating Gender-Sensitive Approaches in the Implementation of the Programme of Action
- Adapting to Recent Developments in Small Arms and Light Weapons Technology
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