Kategorie: Blog 2018

  • From Barrien to Bahrain

    Welcome back on this blog! We hope all of you had a good start into this new year and are looking forward to all of the exciting things that are going to happen in 2018.

    Lena Artikel

    The NMUN Tübingen Delegation 2018, or to be specific, Delegate Lena Cordes, started strong into the new year with an article about our work. Lena was kind enough to sit down and talk with a reporter from her local „Kreiszeitung“ about Bahrain, National Model United Nations, and her work as a delegate. The article is really well-written and captures the challenges and rewards we face in our preparation for the biggest UN simulation in the world.

    So thank you, Lena, for your time and effort and a huge thanks to the Kreiszeitung Bremen as well to report about us!

    Click here to read the Article


    Want to stay tuned? Visit our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/nmuntue18/

  • The Tübingen Delegates for NMUN 2018 are selected

    We are delighted to announce that Tübingen´s 2018 delegation to the National Model United Nations has been formed. The upcoming March, we will be honored to represent the Kingdom of Bahrain in New York.

    Our delegation consists of students from a variety of disciplines, adding different fields of expertise and skills. We are convinced that this will prove to be invaluable during the preparation process as well as the simulation itself.

    Read about our 18 delegates on this blog soon!

    Meanwhile, stay tuned via Facebook:   https://www.facebook.com/nmuntue18/