Schlagwort: simulation

  • Expert Knowledge for our Delegation

    In our recent workshop session last Tuesday, our delegation was honoured to have Dr. Elmar Mustafayev as our guest. Dr. Mustafayev is the head of the Political Science and Philosophy Department at Khazar University in Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan. Dr. Mustafayev was in Tübingen because him and Prof. Dr. Thomas Diez of the Tübingen Institute of Political Science are engaging in an academic cooperation and while being here, Dr. Mustafayev joined us for a seminar.

    As a renowned expert of Azerbaijani Foreign Policy, he was able to give us most valuable insights in Azerbaijani politics, especially the complex relations to its neighbours as well as to regional and international partners. Further, we were able to ask questions on matters of Azerbaijani domestic politics, political culture, and political opinion of the people of Azerbaijan that only a national with deep political insight could provide. This was an opportunity without comparison for us being the delegation to represent Azerbaijan in several United Nations committees in National Model United Nations 2020 in New York, giving us knowledge and ideas on how to represent the interests of Azerbaijan on a global scale.

    We thank Dr. Mustafayev for having joined us and remain looking forward to and preparing for the upcoming HCMUN simulation in Hohenheim as well as TMUN in Tübingen in the next weeks, and most importantly NMUN in spring!

  • First Simulation of the New Delegation, 15th–16th November 2014

    The 2015 NMUN Delegation Tübingen has taken the first major step towards New York, as it has successfully completed its first test simulation!

    During the very intensive weekend of 15th and 16th November, the delegates could not only test their knowledge of the NMUN Rules of Procedure in practice, but they also gained their first experience with writing and holding speeches, negotiating and, of course, creating and adopting resolutions.

    The committee consisted of 20 delegations, namely Argentina, Australia, Barbados, Brazil, China, Denmark, Egypt, Germany, Ghana, India, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Nigeria, Russia, Singapore, South Africa, Syria, Turkey and the United Kingdom, and its composition promised very interesting negotiations.

    This proved to be true right at the beginning, as the delegations had to negotiate an acceptable agenda order. The topics on the agenda were as follows:

    1. Strengthening Women’s Political Participation

    2. Combating the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All its Aspects

    3. Promoting and Protecting Human Rights in Post-Conflict Societies

    After holding a number of agenda setting speeches, undergoing a few rounds of negotiations and taking multiple votes, the committee finally arrived at the order 2-3-1. Despite the first optimistic expectations, it turned out during the weekend that only one topic could be handled within two days, so the committee dealt with he topic of Combating the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All its Aspects.

    While the first day of negotiations showed the strong willingness of all delegations to find a consensus, as they all worked on a single common resolution, the second day already exposed some of the major differences between the participating states.

    The main discussions revolved around the UN Programme of Action and the more recent Arms Trade Treaty. The efforts to improve the implementation of these measures and also foster exchange of information between Member States resulted in four draft resolutions in the end, out of which two successfully passed in the voting procedure and thus became resolutions.

    The simulation showed, that there is a strong cooperative spirit within the delegation and that all delegates are able to contribute in a very constructive and knowledgeable way, although it was the first experience with a United Nations simulation for many of them.

    All participants would like to thank the head delegates, Berith and Martin, and the Chair and project coordinator, Bettina Ahrens, for their provident guidance and valuable advice during the whole weekend.