HCMUN – January 18th, 2014

Returning from a very instructive weekend in Hohenheim, New York seems one step closer to us now. At our second Simulation, the “Hohenheim Castle Model United Nations”, we were able to experience the challenges of a committee with over 50 delegates for the first time. Although barely half of the Delegation was able to present an agenda setting speech, the committee decided to set topic 1, “Measures to Prevent Terrorists from Acquiring Weapons of Mass Destruction” on top of the agenda. The Tübingen delegation immediately started to deal with the topic by giving speeches in formal session and gathering in working groups with delegates from Hohenheim and Heidelberg during informal caucus.

We were happy to see how much progress we all have made since we first met in the beginning of the semester. Especially the rules of procedure were applied more and more confidently. By the end of a productive simulation, the committee was eventually able to adopt two out of three resolutions. Exhausted and satisfied with our own work we joined the famous wine tasting in Hohenheim Castle for the rest of the evening.

We would like to thank the organizers of HCMUN for an excellent simulation. The Tübingen Delegation of 2015 will surely be looking forward to this great event!

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