Last week our delegation had the chance to visit some UN institutions in Geneva, Switzerland. The trip gave us great insights into the work of real diplomats as well as of employees at the UN. During the four days, we saw impressive buildings, met a lot of engaged people and some of us were already figuring out their future career plans.
A special thanks goes to all the incredible hard working people who took some time to tell us something about their work and to answer all our questions. Four of our delegates were lucky, since we were able to visit the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR): the two UN institutions which they will simulate in New York. However, the other organizations we visited were not of less interest with regard to NMUN. We were also welcomed in the German Embassy to the UN, the World Health Organization (WHO) as well as in the International Labour Organization (ILO). Furthermore, we had the chance to talk to a current intern at the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR). The highlight for most of us – besides the famous cheese fondue which we were enjoying during the last evening – was to visit the Palais de Nations with some of the huge meeting rooms used for important conferences as well as for peace negotiations. Finding the placard of Chile in one of the rooms let us dream of what we will experience in New York…
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