The Tübingen Delegation to NMUN takes preparation very seriously, in an effort to prepare for the New York conference as best as possible we held our own little simulation. Over the course of a single weekend, we honed our diplomatic skills in heated discussions, focusing on two very important topics: „Combatting the threat of terrorist attacks“ and „Xenophobia, Racism and Related Intolerances“. After hearing some well-crafted speeches, the agenda was set to discuss the issue of terrorist attacks first.
Speeches continued and soon the first informal caucuses proved useful in coming up with the very first drafts of what would later become two outstanding resolutions.
Many of the delegates present did not have prior MUN or debating experience, yet they did splendidly at adapting to the rules and rhythm that is a MUN conference.
The lunch break on our first day was also used to take the group and individual pictures of the delegates that can now be found on our website and respective social media profiles.
Soon after groups formed and went off to forage for a lunch that would sustain them throughout the rest of the first day.
As time progressed the procedures became more and more natural and everybody used their chance to give points, hold speeches or prove themselves in the informal discussions.
The delegates left the institute on the first day with a feeling of accomplishment and exhaustion and also a very promising draft for a resolution in progress.
Day two started and so did the negotiations. For some time seemingly all the delegates tried to compromise on one single paper and miraculously produced a document that everybody had agreed upon. After submission to the Chairing Dais, it was soon clear that a paper that respected all the nations represented was simply too long and entailed too many different aspects of the issue to become a working resolution. The chair’s suggestion to split the paper into two was accepted, and once again negotiations started anew.
Over the course of the second half of the day, the delegates became a little less constructive and had a little more fun playing with the intricate political relationships between certain states. Besides that, the work on the papers continued and in the end, two working papers were submitted. After some minor changes, both papers were approved as draft resolutions and the delegates entered the voting procedure.
With only two minor amendments, draft resolution one was approved to resolution one, and draft resolution two was able to be approved without any further amendments.
Thus the second day of our simulation came to a satisfying ending, with the delegates and Dias both happy about the results that had been achieved in such a short time.
The feedback was widely positive and a general consensus was found: Let’s do this again sometime soon!