Our trip to Geneva – 2017

This week our delegation traveled to Geneva, Switzerland, for four days. We had the great chance to visit some UN institutions relevant to our preparations for NMUN. The trip gave us huge insights into the work of real diplomats as well as of employees of the UN.


On our first day, we visited the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and we attended a guided tour through the Palais des Nations. Between these two appointments, three of us went to the small International Atomic Energy Agency office (IAEA) in Geneva, while the others had the opportunity to explore the city in the meantime.

On our second day, we went to the German Permanent Mission in Geneva, where we got real insights in the work of diplomats. The World Health Organization (WHO) was our next destination. After a strengthening meal in the WHO cafeteria, we heard two detailed presentations on the important work of the WHO. However, the most exiting appointment for all of us was the visit to the Philippine Consulate General in Geneva. Here we leaned one of the most important lessons in representing the Philippines in New York: always keep smiling!


To relax after the long day we went to the Lac de Genève where we enjoyed delicious cheese fondue. We are thanking all institutions we visited for having us; we had a great time in Geneva.


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