Last weekend, on the 03rd of February, our own Tübingen Model United Nations simulation took place. Seated in the impressive hall of the Neue Aula, the first speeches were held, and the first debates started. This time „Closing the Energy Gap for All“ was discussed and after a long day of several discussions, three solutions successfully passed.
One last time before we all leave to the big conference in New York, we were able to practice, apply motions, discuss and write resolutions and practice diplomatic conduct. After three simulations and countless debates, we are now well prepared to apply our knowledge and skills in the right environment.
New York, here we come!
A special thank you goes to the Schwäbische Tagblatt for the visit and the great interest in our project! We hope you also enjoyed watching our debates and speeches to get an impression of what we will continue in New York.
We would also like to thank the delegation of Hohenheim for participating in our simulation. We look forward to seeing you again. Furthermore, we would like to thank our amazing TMUN team for preparing the simulation, Professor Diez for speaking at our opening ceremony and our faculty advisor Lea Augenstein as well as our head delegates Helena Jordheim and Monika Hägele for their guidance during the debates.
After three successful simulations, we feel ready to represent the country of Malaysia in our committees in New York. There are still some last preparatory steps to be completed before it gets serious in New York and all the work from the semester will be applied for the last time, so look out for our updates from Geneva where we will visit several UN sub-organizations and the delegation of Malaysia to the UN.
We feel well prepared and are looking forward to the biggest UN simulation in New York!

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