A Holiday Update

In the last couple of weeks, our delegation has been extremely busy preparing for the conference in New York. Each committee first needed to hand in a landmark document on their topics, collecting all resolutions and treaties that could be relevant for negotiations. As soon as this task was submitted, we began our work on the first draft of our position papers, which are due right before Christmas. We soon realized that it is not as easy as we thought it would be to fit all the important information on two pages. 

Next to our committee obligations, we have also been fully absorbed by our individual department tasks. The TMUN department has been preparing the simulation in Tübingen by deciding the simulation topics, sending out invitations and organizing the dinner afterwards. The fundraising department has organized a waffle and mulled wine sale and is currently planning the TMUN party, while the PR department is working on our Facebook and Instagram pages and collecting greetings from politicians and diplomats. 

Considering all of our hard work in the last weeks, the time was more than right to enjoy the holiday season with a fun NMUN Christmas party! Thanks to one of our delegates, we reserved a cozy and vintage cellar for our little get-together. Everyone brought something to eat, be it a dessert, a salad or sandwiches, and it turns out we have some amazing chefs in our delegation! We also decided on playing Secret Santa with only sustainable presents and had a lot of fun trying to secure the gifts we wanted the most (the bamboo toothbrushes were quite popular). The night ended with some entertaining and sometimes rather competitive games of beer pong. It was a great ending of the first half of our NMUN semester and a more than deserved break from our diligent work.

We hope everyone has a wonderful and relaxing Christmas break! We will be back refreshed and with further updates in January.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


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