Speech Training

Despite having submitted the second draft of our position papers on Friday and having spent the whole of Saturday at a simulation of the General Assembly Plenary in Hohenheim, all of us gathered at 9am on a Sunday morning at the onset of the exam period for a speech training. vlcsnap-2019-01-31-14h47m01s32.png

We were lucky to be coached by a professional consultant who usually trains business executives, Dr. Marco Behrmann from Cevey Consulting (https://ceveygroup.com/).

After a brief, but highly motivating and interesting introduction by Marco, it was our time to speak. Each of us had to give two speeches with very limited preparation time. One was about a funny topics like a „drivers´ license“ for expecting parents, the other one was related to our committee topics. Getting feedback and having the speeches recorded on video helped us a lot to reflect on our speaking skills and pointed out what we can improve upon to maximize our impact when giving speeches in New York.

We learnt that successful impact in negiotations depends on a the right strategy, but also a of other factors, such as the context of the negotiations, the personal relationship of the negotiators, or flexibility of how to address different audiences.

We are extremely grateful to Marco, who gave us his precious time and invaluable advice on a Sunday morning.



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