The Stress Simulation

Ihr Hochzeitsfotograf in Tübingen, Reutlingen, Esslingen, Böbl

The first meeting of the Tübingen delegation in December welcomed some special guests: last-year delegates. Not only did they come to share experience, but also to challenge the 2017 delegation with a unique-but-necessary mission: dealing with unexpected and sensitive situations.

This challenge, called ’stress simulation‘, improved the delegates‘ understanding of the complexities of working in an international environment shaped by the values and norms of the United Nations. This simulation was informative and effective so that delegates can respond swiftly and positively in similar circumstances.

We would like to thank the former delegates for their time and insightful sharing. It’s been half of the preparation process for NMUN and we are getting more and more anticipated to cooperate with students from all over the world.

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